Finance Your Business With Future Sales With a Merchant Cash Advance.

If you’re looking for a faster, more convenient and more accessible avenue of business financing, a merchant cash advance from Means Commercial Capital could be the perfect solution. These cash advances are based on an estimation of your future credit card sales. This means you get the essential capital that you need without adding to your debt.

Why a Cash Advance is the Better Choice

A merchant cash advance offers significant advantages over traditional loans such as these:

  • You won’t be required to provide collateral.
  • You can utilize funds for any business need,
  • You won’t need to file copious amounts of paperwork.
  • You’ll get your funds quickly.
  • You won’t pay any hidden fees.
  • Your payments will be variable rather than fixed.

What You Can Do With Your Funds

Traditional loans often require you to declare a purpose for the loan and limit what you can spend the borrowed funds on. With a merchant cash advance you can use your funds for virtually any business-related purpose you can imagine including the following:

  • Inventory
  • Supplies
  • New equipment
  • Advertising
  • Payroll

Contact Us Today

Contact the commercial loan specialists at Means Commercial Capital today. Enjoy our offer of a free consultation and take the opportunity to find out how a merchant cash advance can help you grow your business.